Star Wars Battlefront Wiki


IQA-11 with Dual Zoom and Bolt Speed

The IQA-11 is a sniper rifle available to the Specialist class in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II.

​Field Performace

The IQA-11 is a very powerful sniper rifle. It even has a one-shot headshot capability on other Specialists.

  • Damage - High
  • Zoom Level - Good (Dual Zoom improves this)
  • Cooling Power - Poor
  • Rate of Fire - Slow
  • Range - Long
  • Recoil - Moderate


The IQA-11 is a powerful sniper rifle. It's best advise to get into a comfortable sniper position and take advantage of your Thermal Binoculars and lead your targets into a trap. The IQA-11 performs well against default sniper rifles and surprisingly the A280-CFE as well. The number of shots required to kill is dependent on the class.

  • Assault - 3 shots (2 headshots)
  • Heavy - 4 shots (3 headshots)
  • Officer - 3 shots (2 headshots)
  • Specialist - 2 shots (1 headshot)


Obviously, you  will be outmatched at close range. Avoid staying on ground level and avoid close range. You won't do much good in the open. One sniper rifle that can outmatch the IQA-11 in a sniper battle is the NT-242 which is capable of one-shot headshots on Assault, Heavy, and Officer, while being a one-shot kill to the Specialist anywhere.

id This is a recommended Loadout of this weapon. Use it if you wish.

​Recommended Loadout

To make the best use of the IQA-11, you'll want to be stealthy and have your position concealed at all times.

  • Star Card #1 - Stealth: Staying hidden on the scanners is an essential card if you want to keep your position concealed from nearby enemies lurking around.
  • Star Card #2 - Marksman: Headshots will reset your current heat buildup which is good. You'll want to keep your sights up and your weapon ready to kill the next target.
  • Star Card #3 - Scramble Infiltration: This card when active will scramble enemy scanners in the nearby radius. If you supect that someone is sneaking around or you want to flank someone without being spotted, use this ability and no one will be able to detect you on their scanners.

Now for the IQA-11 modifications.

  • Mod #1 - Dual Zoom: With two magnification levels, you can switch between the IQA-11 default and Increased zoom. This will allow for better mid-long ranged engagements.
  • Mod #2 - Bolt Speed: While the damage drop off is small, Bolt Speed will ensure that the large damage the IQA-11 has will carry over even the longest distances. This works great with Dual Zoom because of the fact that Bolt Speed will keep bolt damage over even the longest distances.


The IQA-11 is a powerful gun with the capability of one-shot headshots against opposing Specialists. Of course, all of the other close range classes will tear you apart at their effective range. You will also have to have a sense of caution with the loadout above. Avoid close range environments with the IQA-11 and if you do find yourself in an undesirable situation at close range, switch to your EE-4 (Scramble Infiltration) and take care of targets that get too close for comfort. Also, always make use of your Thermal Binoculars to set up traps and line up shots to be the most effective sniper on your team.
